Contemplation in painting, especially in abstractionism, is one of the deepest and most mysterious aesthetic experiences that an artist and recipient can offer. Associated with silence, reflection and spirituality, contemplation creates a space for a person to meet their own emotions, thoughts and transcendence. Painting, as a visual medium, has been a carrier of spiritual […]
Optical Art / Op Art
Medytacja w malarstwie
Medytacja w malarstwie. Medytacja w kontekście malarstwa abstrakcyjnego oferuje unikalne doświadczenie, które wykracza poza tradycyjne formy medytacyjnej praktyki. Abstrakcja, z natury wolna od realistycznych przedstawień i dosłowności, otwiera przestrzeń dla swobodnej interpretacji, co sprzyja introspekcji i głębszej kontemplacji. Malarstwo abstrakcyjne, poprzez swoje złożone formy, linie, kolory i dynamikę, staje się idealnym narzędziem do medytacji, pomagając […]
Jan Asnter Linear Abstraction Tranquilidad
Linear Abstraction: A Conceptual Exploration Linear abstraction is a technique and style in visual art that reduces forms to their essential lines and geometric shapes. By focusing on linear elements, artists strip away details to highlight the underlying structure of their subjects, emphasizing simplicity, form, and composition over representational accuracy. This approach often results in […]
Abstract forms – Jan Astner TRANQUILIDAD
Abstract Forms in Painting: A Journey Beyond Representation Abstract skape in painting are a cornerstone of modern and contemporary art, representing a departure from the depiction of the physical world to explore deeper, often intangible, concepts. Unlike traditional representational art, which aims to mimic reality, abstract art uses shapes, colors, and forms to evoke emotions, […]
Jan Astner – TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS – abstract vision
Jan Astner paints his TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS as abstract visions, visions of the future. It is an ongoing project as new compositions are constantly being created in this series. These are not strictly speaking portraits. More sketches of a vision of the future. Notes from the dehumanized, technologically reconfigured future. Abstract visions, a vision of the […]
Ana-Maria Panaitescu – visiting artist’s studio
Ana-Maria Panaitescu – visiting artist’s studio Most of my work is about using traditional materials (like wood, canvas, paper, cardboard, metal, oil colors) and finding a way to combine it with new stuff, like silicon, acrylics, polystyrene, different types of strong glue, etc. It is my way of being traditional and living in our days […]
David Carr – Celebrity Colour Challenge
O-A: What is the Celebrity Colour Challenge? David Carr: It began as a small experiment. Usually I work with a large range of paints and my pictures are very bright and colourful. I wanted to try and create a piece using a very limited pallet, and came up with the idea of asking someone else […]
Vidal Toreyo Metamorphopsia
Vidal Toreyo Metamorphopsia. Do we all see everything the same or do our perceptions differ? Our brain, our nervous system can make us see differently, if only due to visual impairment. Metamorphopsia is a specific disorder of visual perception. This is due to the central nervous system, which is involved in the transmission, modality and […]
Abstract painting by Bartos Saro
Bartos Saro abstract painting Inspirations of abstract painting by Bartosz Saro Abstract painting draws from many different inspirations. A synkope is a kind of metro-rhythm disturbance in the course of a piece, used as a stylistic measure in music. It consists in extending the rhythmic value. The typical accent changes. Abstract painting by Bartosz Saro […]
Catherine Guinot – Pixel waves
Title of the series of artwork: Catherine Guinot – Pixel waves Short description of series idea: For this color stripes series, it’s ail about light waves, colors and blood streams … 1 become a pixelated image, like when a video stream suddenly breaks up and blends the images together. For a suspended lime, 1 experience […]
Ingela Wallgren Lindgren – “In true colors we will became”
true colors – PRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF ARTWORK Title of the series of artwork: “In true colors we will became” Short description of series idea: Intuitive artwork, paint in oilcolors on canvas. Styles of presented artworks: Color Field Painting, Informel, Post-painterly Abstraction, Process Painting TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ARTWORK Used technique and materials: Oil […]
Yvette Kaiser Smith – pi x 5s Series
PRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF ARTWORK Title of the series of artwork: pi x 5s Series Short description of series idea: I create wall-based geometric abstractions by utilizing grids and simple geometric shapes as tools in inventing systems for visualizing numerical values of sequences derived from the numbers pi and e. In 2016, I began […]