Unique realization by Andrea Pacini
This work wants to visually represent a poem written by the artist in memory of Joan Mirò, inspired by his two paintings entitled “The Day” and “The Night”. I was intimately struck by the simplicity and strength of the two canvases with which Mirò represents the day / night cycle, joy / sadness, action / reflection, life / death. The work was carried out on two brass matrices with the softground etching technique. I enclose the poem from which it all started. Printed on Hahnemühle 100% cotton paper.
Lettera a Mirò
Il Giorno vagisce e risplende sulle pergamene dei sogni –
ruggisce vivace esplorando vastità – nessuno
sfugge alla sentenza del fuoco – tutto brucia
e si risveglia – ancora – per sempre.
La Notte riempie di voluttà il calamaio del tempo –
c’è ancora da fare – sostituire le pile del presepe
lunare – condire con ovvietà le parabole difettose –
cavare ragni allegrotti dai link mai digitati.
Frullando insieme – Giorno e Notte –
diventano spirale dell’aldilà – un rogo vorace
nei boschi patinati delle costrizioni borghesi –
lasciando – all’ora del sempre e del mai – un dolce
e profumato silenzio ammantato di farò…
Letter to Miro
The Day wails and shines on the scrolls of dreams –
roars lively exploring vastness – none
escapes the sentence of fire – everything burns
and awakens – again – forever.
The night fills the inkwell of time with pleasure –
there is still something to do – replace the batteries in the crib
lunar – seasoning faulty parables with obviousness –
draw cheerful spiders from links never typed.
Blending together – Day and Night –
they become the spiral of the afterlife – a voracious stake
in the glossy woods of bourgeois constraints –
leaving – at the time of always and never – a sweet
and fragrant silence cloaked in I will do…