O-A: What is art to you? Is creating an urge, necessity or maybe an incontournable, essential way of life?
Jose Manuel Mulero: Art for me is a way of existence, an essential and uncontrollable way of life …
O-A: What wouldn’t you do without art? What did you discover, achieve with it?
Jose Manuel Mulero: I discovered myself, I managed to find myself through this medium of expression captured on the canvas.- I would ask him: what makes you feel alive …?
O-A: Who or what inspired you artistically; a person, artist, event, experience…
Jose Manuel Mulero: What inspired me artistically was life itself …
O-A: What was the most interesting statement you heard about your work?
Jose Manuel Mulero: The most important statement I heard about my work, was the contact of my work with the primordial in Art …
O-A: How do you search for inspiration and themes for your work?
Jose Manuel Mulero: The comment that has influenced me the most about my art is that it reflects life interior of my soul …