Pelin Yazar is a Canadian painter. Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, she studied at Marmara University, earning her Bachelor of Art Education degree (in Painting & Art Education); and at Istanbul Technical University, earning her Master of Fine Arts degree (in Painting, and Visual & Environmental Arts).EDUCATION
1992-1995 Istanbul Technical University, Master of Fine Arts (Painting, Visual and Environmental Arts)
1989-92 Marmara University, Istanbul, Bachelor of Arts (Painting and Art Education)
2011+ Le Regroupement des Artistes en Arts Visuels du Quebec(RAAV)
Pelins paintings are represented by Galerie 5 Continents read more
Art Statement
My approach to painting derives from the consequences and possibilities of colours living side by side each other. I enjoy submerging in the surprise and play they offer as they are let loose from their tubes and containers, sometimes in pure splashes, sometimes mixed and worked, to take on new life on the canvas or board with imaginative flashes of brush or finger or knife. Everything depends on this relationship of colours; it is the primary joy of the visual art. Forms and patterns, contours and later delineations are conjured from their essential, vivid appearance and radiation.A harmony, or skilful balance, then becomes of the utmost concern. Without playing colours against each other wisely, or by ignoring a colours own implicit array of sympathies and antipathies, the impact of colours moving emotionally across, into, and through each other, is diminished. A painter in love with colour delights in the freedom of paint like a child, and succeeds through innocence; but, listening to colours, the painter deploys them according to their secret desires, and succeeds through the affectionate and intelligent care of the gardener.
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