
I was born in Wrocław and studied geological sciences here. Nature has always been in the center of my interest, which is probably why I chose to study in depth the structures of life.
It gave me enormous knowledge and insight into the complexity of life, its forms and its absolute continuity, and showed me its beauty on every level. Few people have the opportunity to look at a cross-section of rocks or minerals under a microscope, and this is the purest abstraction in psychedelic colors! I am extremely grateful that I had this opportunity. The world also called me, which resulted in my 30-year stay in Norway. In a new country, I was forced to understand myself and the people around me on a deeper level than the initial Polish one. I studied Gestalt therapy there (a type of psychotherapy). This in turn allowed me to return to my inner source and renew access to creativity. It happened very spontaneously and organically during one of the therapeutic exercises. Contact with creativity is a blessing, but it can also be a torment.

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Art Statement

My works are abstract, black and white, very minimalistic drawings. The starting point is always nature, viewed in micro and macro scale. I am mainly inspired by plants, but also complex geological structures or even landscape. I always look for basic forms, a skeleton on which everything else is built, I look often for a dominant structure or matrix. I find all simplifications, repetitions, patterns, symmetries or harmonies that nature creates and this is what I start my creative process on.
When drawing, I repeat a simple scheme of the line pattern and in this way I build wholes.
The works are created using soft (organic) or stiff, shorter lines. The thickness of the lines can also be varied. Since detail is important to me, I create drawings composed of details. The works are mainly 2D, but sometimes 3D visual effects are created during drawing.
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