visual artist and experimental filmmaker
theme / her story…
she became an artist to admit she was everything,
and her story ends with the first memory
where the story of everyone begins,
everything she thought of her childhood life
had arisen in front of her eyes
scenario / one of many…
life, a film that plays in the mind, in a loop, she edits,
works with a timeline without being aware of the circle,
plays, over and over to remember who she is,
a gathering of memories, fantasies and visions,
she pauses at sensitive places, returns back
as far as possible to the beginning,
accepts her thoughts from ancient situations
as facts and the power of feelings,
at the moment of the highest intensity, ceases,
the story goes away
the story of everybody who touches art begins…
story forming / 49.2224032N, 17.6669554E
story market / 27.937897, -82.286045
story birth place / 49.0630684N, 17.4524345E
story birth time / 22 years before the beginning
of the 2nd millennium after Christ
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Art Statement
1. Fine art with author’s technique, light painting complex author’s visual art technique, which consists of 4 four art principles
space principle
objects are formed of recyclable and impermanent or reusable materials
light principle
objects are illuminated by artificial light and daylight
record principle
objects are captured through digital photography
experiment principle
the author’s technique is constantly being developed and innovated
2. Technology of final processing of artwork: glass printing / nano printing, ceramic printing; printed celluloid; resin-embossed printing; printing with backlight; videoinstallation