O-A: What is art to you? Is creating an urge, necessity or maybe an incontournable, essential way of life?
Bartos Saro: It is a very sensual experience. Taking the world with all senses at the same time. Art means learning how to perceive the environment that we often see in a superficial way. I like to feel with all my senses.
O-A: What wouldn’t you do without art? What did you discover, achieve with it?
Bartos Saro: Life is art. The fact that we call / recognize someone as an artist is purely conventional. Every human being is creative. Art is a convention.
O-A: If a person, artist or not, influenced you, what kind of question would you ask him/her?
Bartos Saro: I would like this person to touch, smell, look at my paintings. To try to perceive it, understand it physically and emotionally. And then I would like to ask how that feels.
O-A: Who or what inspired you artistically; a person, artist, event, experience…
Bartos Saro: My first girlfriend. She taught me to take the world in all my senses. Not only during sex, which we consider to be a multi-sensual situation. But everywhere, in the theater, during a walk, while sipping tea, during a verbal interaction. It was a fascinating experience and I learned a lot. I am grateful to her all the time.
O-A: What is a vivid memory of a remark concerning your art that got stuck with you?
Bartos Saro: Painting of each picture brings on such an experience. My art ist very textually, so when creating, I touch the image, materials, structures. I use many materials with different smells. I am painting with his hands, so it’s a very sensual process. Painting itself is a pleasure.
O-A: What was the most interesting statement you heard about your work?
Bartos Saro: I allow, I even recommend touching my paintings. Many people are surprised, many are quite shocked, but afterwards they are grateful for this experience.
O-A: How do you search for inspiration and themes for your work?
Bartos Saro: Landscape and nature are my inspiration. Although my works are extremely abstract, observing forms and colors has always inspired me.
O-A: Are you a synesthete? Have synesthetes ever commented on your paintings? How?
Bartos Saro: No, although sometimes I am perceived as such. I just react more sensitively to sensual stimuli because I learned how to do that. By self observation, by watching my reactions and signals from outside.
O-A: What do you usually talk about with your collectors?
Bartos Saro: About wine, tea, especially white tea, jazz and travels. In other words about what fascinates me outside of art. Although each of these themes is an art on its own!