Change surrounds us. Change is a permanent process. We don’t know what it will lead to, we don’t know what it will look like tomorrow. Vidal Toreyo paints dynamic canvases, going beyond informel conventions and action painting. The paintings from the New Mutations series are the result of mutations, distorting the initial form in the direction designed by the artist. From general to detail, from the whole to the detail, Vidal adds more elements. They differ in texture, texture, color – they mutate when viewed from different perspectives. This is the result of the materials used and the effects of light reflection on matt and glossy, flat and textured surfaces.
Vidal Toreyo paints dynamic canvases, going beyond the conventions of informel and action painting. Images from the “New Mutations” series are a double mutation. In the process of painting, from the initial random form, they change in the direction designed by the artist. Vidal adds more elements and more layers. They change depending on the viewing angle during viewing. Metallic surfaces, structures on canvas – they mutate when viewed from different perspectives. This is the result of the materials used and the effects of light reflection on glossy and textured surfaces. Vidal Toreyo amuses us with mutations, showing that everything around us is constantly changing.