Bartos Saro’s life is very structured, organized but not in a confining way. So are his paintings. Designer, painter and art historian by profession. He started in modern design, made it to the level of partner in a furniture showroom company where he could put to work his methodically working but open mind. The level of corporational restraint and pressure was not appealing in the long run. Fascination with structures and materials in design took finally over and passion led him to the painting of matter. He has exhibited his artworks at individual and collective exhibitions in Poland, Sweden, France, Spain and Belgium. He participated in art fairs and salons in Toulouse, France, Warsaw, Poland, Luxembourg, Brussel, Belgium and Art Fair Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, FranceArt Statement
His work focuses on the structure of materials, he prefers to work in mixed media. Expressively presenting the weight and movement, Bartos loves to create tension and drama, because he believes that there is a spirit in matter – shapes and forms can reflect basic experiences attached to emotions.Thick layers of raw, often cracked texture are enhanced and gaining a unique beauty owing it to the additional drawing and slightly applied colors. Sand or broken marble mixed with an acrylic binder is one of his preferred materials. Bartos’ sense of matter is full of concern for the facture.
The artist has reduced his alphabet of symbols to several forms that are able to convey a variety of tensions and emotions. His work is by definition basic rarely showing sophistication, but the more it is, the more it conveys his artistic vision.